Research and Planning/Hand in Folder: November 4th

Finished Music Video: December 16th

Finished Website/CD Cover/Evaluation/Blog:13th January

Friday, 26 November 2010

6th Editing, nightmare lol

Yesterday's editing is horrible, a total nightmare.

The first thing is Olivia caught a great cold, she is ill the whole morning, but she has to come to college even she did not want to. :[

The second thing is Cybil forgot to save the whole editing stuff and the whole imovie just collpse down, nothing left. She went to the toilet for 5 minutes......:[

However, we learnt a lot.

The first we learned is save every 5 minuts after editing anything!!!

The second is Michael helped us realise our editing makes the story telling too slow and meanless, especially for the first coffee shop  sequence, we need to condense the narrative and add more performance part at the end intead of boring acting. We have filmmed quite good guitar and drum playings in the theatre, we could use them more to make the video more professional. :>

Michael also suggest we edit the performance first then add the marrative in, but we first film acting, and edted the acting quite fit the lyrics, we discussed which way is better and deside to delete the boring acting and add some performance instead. However, we have lost that edting, we have to do it again.

To make our complex narrative work, we need more meaningful acting, clear editing and better lip thinking.

1 comment:

  1. The third thing is Cybil thought she did not divide the work quite well, which makes Kenny often do nothing while prepare, Cybil said she will try to communicate more with actors and Kenny, to make sure the team work.:>
